Gardening tips for herbs!
Herbs are a great addition to any home, whether it be an inner-city apartment or if you have a full garden, they are excellent in any space and are so versatile, having herbs at your fingertips saves you so much time and money and adds so much flavour to your cooking!
• Best grown from seeds, seedlings, or even small plants
• Plant between spring and autumn
• Space 15-20cm but this depends on the plant
• You can harvest your herbs in as little as 20 days from planting, this depends on the herb
• Crop rotation: slot in annual herbs wherever there is space
Well-drained soil is very important when growing your herbs. While saying this, herbs will wilt, become stunned or die in consistently wet soil. Grow in The Wool Pot and then place your wool pot in the garden to easily grow your herbs. Keep the pot moist and The Wool pot will help retain moisture. Fertile soil is not essential to herb growth, so there is no need to feed your plants. Soil that is too rich will result in excessive leaves with less flavour. Remember to give your herbs plenty of sunlight, apart from coriander and chervil, which do best in a small amount of shade.
To keep your herbs producing fresh leaves, plant or sow them in small amounts and often. Sow seeds every three to four weeks and you will enjoy a succession of leaves from spring to autumn.
Harvest when your herbs have enough foliage to keep growth up. If you are picking for drying your herbs, harvest just before the buds open as this is when they are at peak flavour. Herbs also have their highest levels of essential oils in the morning, so wait until the dew has gone and pick before it before they are warm.